About Us
Welcome to our agency! We are an independent agency with the client in mind. We offer you a no-stress, hassle-free way to see if you can save more money on insurance.
We are a family owned and operated agency. Mr Sam Maxwell started the agency back in the 50's writing all lines of business including churches. In the 90's, he married Misty Maxwell (one of the current owners). In 2003, Misty's little sister, Brenda (who had just returned to the States from working abroad), started working for the agency. Mr Maxwell sold the business in 2004, so he (and his wife) could retire at age 78! The new owner kept Brenda Mosley on as office manager. In 2007, the new owner split the book of business with Brenda who then partnered with Misty Maxwell, bringing her back from her semi-retired life. Both sisters, Misty and Brenda, are active owners in the office. We work hard to maintain an atmosphere of family friendly customer service. Our highest compliment given are our referrals from our loyal customers.
Free quotes for auto insurance, car insurance, home insurance, mobile home insurance in Jacksonville, FL.Our agents are here to serve you and to ensure that you get the insurance coverage that you need.